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" Football is made of leather, leather comes from cows, cows like grass."
Di Stefano, Alfredo
" Teenage dreams, so hard to beat."
"Pain is temporary, giving up lasts forever."
Armstrong, Lance
" You have won it once, now win it again."
Ramsey, Alf
" Other countries have their history. Uruguay has its football."
Viera, Ondino
" If you never concede a goal, you're going to win more games than you lose."
Moore, Bobby
" Football hooligans ? Well, there are 92 club chairmen for a start."
Clough, Brian
" With 110% from each and every one of the players and your usual tremendous vocal backing, I am confident we can get the right result."
Saunders, Ron
"Our powerful weapons are the voices, the feet, and bodies moving without rest towards a goal."
King, Martin Luther
" If you can keep your head whilst all about you losing theirs and blaming it on you. Then the earth and everything in it will be yours."
Kipling, Rudyard