
  •  Spanish Civil War La Pasionaria

    Spanish Civil War La Pasionaria

    "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees"

    Sleeveprint : Viva La Pasionaria One of the iconic figures of the Spanish Republic's battle for land and freedom against Franco's fascists, Communist MP Dolores Ibarruri, known popularly as La Pasi…
  • POUM


    The 1936-39 Spanish Civil War pitted the democratially elected Republican government against the fascist Franco backed by the overwhelming military firepower provided by Hitler and Mussolini. The P…


    The 1936-39 Spanish Civil War pitted the democratially elected Republican government against the fascist Franco backed by the overwhelming military firepower military firepower provided by Hitler and …
  • Catalan Republican Left

    Catalan Republican Left

    The 1936-39 Spanish Civil War pitted the democratially elected Republican government against the fascist Franco backed by the overwhelming military firepower military firepower provided by Hitler and …
  •  Martin Luther King Flag Print

    Martin Luther King Flag Print

    US flag made up of full and complete text of 'I Have a Dream' Speech.   52 years ago, on 4 April 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinaed. Five years earlier he had delivered his 'I Have a Dre…
  •  Emily Roundel White

    Emily Roundel White

    Sleeveprint: Emily Wilding Davison Centenary Derby Day 4 June 1913 On 4 June 1913, Emily Wilding Davison stepped on to the Epsom Racecourse to stop the Derby. A heroic, yet fatal, this action was t…
  • Brooke Peace1914

    Brooke Peace1914

    On the outbreak of war the early euphoria of Rupert Brooke's hymn to youthful opportunity, Peace 1914 , was typical of the popular mood. It is contrasted in our design with a vivid visual representat…
  • Oh! What A Lovely War

    Oh! What A Lovely War

    Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop produced a ground-breaking and poignant musical entertainment about the First World War to mark its 50th anniversary. We have now reached the centenary, and Oh…
  • C. E. Montague

    C. E. Montague

    De facto editor of the Manchester Guardian, now better known simply as the Guardian during CP Scott's period as an MP, 1895-1906, C.E. Montague was aged 47 in 1914, but dyed his hair and volunteered f…
  •  Battle Of Britain Roundel

    Battle Of Britain Roundel

    "So much owed by so many to so few. " Battle of Britain 1940.

    The names of all 544 of the 'few'.  Sleeve print : 'So much owed by so many to so few.' Battle of Britain 1940. Through the summer and autumn of 1940 the Battle of Britain raged in the airspace…
  •  Battle Of Britain Poland

    Battle Of Britain Poland

    'For Freedom' with all Polish aircrew fatalities in the Battle of Britain listed. Sleeveprint: 'So much owed by so many to so few.  Battle of Britain 1940.'Aircrew from across Europe, from the USA…
  •  Italian Resistance

    Italian Resistance

    Volunteers of Liberty Corps Badge  In 1943 on land, sea and air the tide turned against Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and  Imperial Japan. Our Italian Resistance T-shirt uses a badge from the Itali…
  • Stalingrad Airforce

    Stalingrad Airforce

    "From the Politodelets Collective Farm to the Defenders of Stalingrad."

    It was in 1943 on land, sea and air that the tide turned against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. In 1942 the Nazi onslaught on the Russian city of Stalingrad was to be Hitler's stra…
  • 21st Army Group

    21st Army Group

    "21st Army Group : Northern France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. June 1944-May1945."

    Sleeveprint: VE Day, 8 May 1945, Fascism Defeated. Our design features the shoulder flash worn by the 21st Army Group. Commanded by Field Marshal 'Monty' Montgomery it consisted of British and Cana…
  • Chindits


    Sleeveprint: Fighting for Freedom South-East Asia 1940-45 In September 1940 Imperial Japan invaded French Indochina and the South-East Asia campaign of World War Two commenced, ending on VJ Day 15 …
  • 06.08.45 Hiroshima

    06.08.45 Hiroshima

    "06.08.1945 Protest and Survive"

    For a decade or so Philosophy Football has been proud to mark a wide variety of WW2 anniversaries in the cause of the defeat of nazism and fascism. We don't 'celebrate war' we commemorate the sacrific…
  •  1914-18 Remembrance Print

    1914-18 Remembrance Print

    A strictly limited and numbered edition print, each one individually signed by the artist Dan Murrell. Highest quality silk screen production by the famous London Bop Eight printing studio. A desi…
  • RAF North Africa

    RAF North Africa

    Sleeveprint: People's War Against Fascism 1939-45. The roundel on this shirt is from the North African front and features the colours and markings of a RAF Hawker Hurricane Mark One Mk 1, V7524, …
  • Desert Rats

    Desert Rats

    The second battle of El Alamein that began on 23 October 1942 was one of the turning points of the Second World War. Reversing the tide of victories won by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy across North …
  •  D-Day Hawker Typhoon

    D-Day Hawker Typhoon

    Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 6th June 1944, D-Day and the beginning of the end for Nazi-occupied western and northern Europe. Our design features the colours and markings of an RA…
  • Burma Star

    Burma Star

    In September 1940 Imperial Japan invaded French Indochina and the South-East Asia campaign of World War Two commenced, ending on VJ Day 15 August 1945. Battles raged across Hong Kong and mainland Chin…
  • We're Doomed

    We're Doomed

    Walmington-on-Sea's finest are on the march. Private Frazer, a proud Scotsman he is never entirely convinced by Mainwaring's leadership qualities and has a jealous eye too on Jones' Lance-Corporal's s…
  • Don't Panic

    Don't Panic

    "Don't Panic!"

    Dad's Army was first broadcast in 1968, a warm-hearted tribute to the home guard against Nazi Germany. And it still has plenty chuckling more than five decades on, with catch phrases that are now le…
  • USSR  Patriotic War medal T-shirt

    USSR Patriotic War medal T-shirt

    Design based on the medal 'The Order of the Great Patriotic War'. This was awarded to all who fought in the Soviet forces to defeat Nazism on the Eastern Front. The numbers awarded gives an idea of th…
  •  D-Day Normandy Beaches

    D-Day Normandy Beaches

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 6th June 1944, D-Day and the beginning of the end for Nazi-occupied western and northern Europe. The five Norma…
  • 1941 Arctic Convoy

    1941 Arctic Convoy

    Silhouette of Halcyon Class Minesweeper. Complete list of vessels on the first 'Dervish' Arctic Convoy August 1941. When Hitler invaded the USSR on 22 June 1941 the response of Britain and its alli…
  • D-Day Overlord

    D-Day Overlord

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 'Overlord' was the codename for the Battle of Normandy launched with the Allies' successful amphibious landings…
  • Don't Tell Him, Pike!

    Don't Tell Him, Pike!

    Raise a smile against the February winter blues with our T-shirted tribute to Ian Lavender, Private Pike, the last surviving member of the Dads Army cast who passed away this week. U-Boat c…
  • ELAS Greek Resistance Army

    ELAS Greek Resistance Army

    In few countries was the resistance to the Nazi occupation as successful as in Greece. Our design is based on a the titling from a contemporary administrative building of the Greek People's Lib…
  • Monte Cassino

    Monte Cassino

    16 May '44 the Polish 2nd Corps launch one of the final assaults on the Nazis' defence of Monte Cassino. Two days later this most bloody battle is won, the Polish flag, followed by the Union Jack is …
  • Battle of Britain Hurricane print

    Battle of Britain Hurricane print

    Drawn by Philosophy Football co-founder Hugh Tisdale, limited edition of 50 individually numbered and signed by Hugh. Print on heavyweight archival paper. Framed size 660 x 470mm.   Framed pri…
  • D-Day Invasion Stripes

    D-Day Invasion Stripes

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 Our unique 'Invasion Stripes' design features the special, temporary markings carried by allied aircraft takin…
  •  International Brigade British Battalion Banner tea towel

    International Brigade British Battalion Banner tea towel

    In 1937 the British Battalion of the International Brigade fought in its first battle at Jarama against Franco's fascists. Our tea towel is based on the Battalion's banner from the period, which was…
  • Fourteenth Army

    Fourteenth Army

    Comprising units of the British and Indian Army as well as West and East African divisions the Fourteenth Army commanded by Lieutenant-General 'Bill' Slim was known as ’the forgotten army’ while i…
  • South East Asia Command

    South East Asia Command

    It was in 1943 on land, sea and air that the tide turned against Imperial, Japan,  Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The South East Asia Command operated 1943-45 against the Japanese Imperial Army w…
  • 1941-45 Red Army

    1941-45 Red Army

    The Red Army losses on the Eastern Front dwarf any other theatre of the Second World War . From Stalingrad to Kursk and on to Berlin the Red Army's defeat of Nazi Germany is reckoned to have …
  • USSR Patriotic War 1941-45  medal tote bag

    USSR Patriotic War 1941-45 medal tote bag

    Design based on the medal 'The Order of the Great Patriotic War'. This was awarded to all who fought in the Soviet forces to defeat Nazism on the Eastern Front. The numbers awarded gives an idea of th…
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway

    Tora! Tora! Tora! Imperial Japan's surprise and deadly assault on the US navy base of Pearl Harbor was designed to destroy the American Pacific fleet and secure the entire region for the Axis powers -…
  • Asiatic and Pacific medal ribbon

    Asiatic and Pacific medal ribbon

    Our design is uniquely based on the medal ribbon of the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, awarded to all members of the United States Armed Forces who fought in the Asiatic-Pacific theatre 1941-45 f…
  • 1914-18 Remembrance T-shirt

    1914-18 Remembrance T-shirt

    A design from renowned illustrator and Philosophy Football collaborator Dan Murrell. The silhouette of an unknown soldier, place and date are unspecified. The football to symbolise what he'd rather b…
  • 1914-18 Remembrance hoodie

    1914-18 Remembrance hoodie

    A design from renowned illustrator and Philosophy Football collaborator Dan Murrell. The silhouette of an unknown soldier, place and date are unspecified. The football to symbolise what he'd rather b…
  • Dambusters


    Lancaster Fuselage markings, Dambusters Raid, May 1943  It was in 1943 on land, sea and air that the tide turned against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. On 17th May of that year…
  •  50th anniversary Portuguese Carnation Revolution 1974

    50th anniversary Portuguese Carnation Revolution 1974

    By the 25 April 1974 dissidents who had been secretly organising in Portugal's armed forces took to the streets and finally ended the country's rule by a fascist dictatorship. In celebration, ca…
  •  French Resistance

    French Resistance

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 The Forces Française de l'intérieur (FFI) in 1944 unified all the French Resistance groups including th…
  • Nouveau Front Populaire

    Nouveau Front Populaire

    On Sunday 7 July in the second round of the French National Assembly elections Le Pen's fascists pose a very real threat of securing a majority. Mbappé has publicly called out the racism and …